Exchange Office

Exchange Office рядом с ул Маяковского, СанктПетербург, Россия

  • Адрес: ул. Маяковского, 2, Санкт-Петербург, Россия, 191025
  • Телефон: +7 911 950-64-55
  • Широта, Долгота: 59.9324297, 30.3537328

Exchange Office часы работы

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Exchange Office Отзывы

Very good rates. It seems they check the rates rather than posting. Which can give a better rate if you watch the exchange markets. Open until 8 pm. Be sure you stay in the waiting room if someone is before you. Ещё

A polite woman helped and I got an excellent rate. Only 3% tariff Ещё

Exchange woman robbed me, took away 20€ and told me that it was just missing from the sum. I thought that perhaps i left 20€ at home, but it wasnt at home. So i dont recommend this place.

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